Monday, April 4, 2016


1) Out of all the logos, I would have to say that Instagram's logo is my favorite. I really like this logo because even if someone is not familiar with this application and doesn't know what the app is for, the logo alone is able to express what the app is for. The logo is a brandmark and is intended to replicate an old fashioned camera. Evidently, the app is used to share pictures that either you took yourself, or a picture taken online. Because of this, I feel that the logo is very well designs and suits the purpose of the application.

1) I really like the design of this logo because instead it is colorful and attracts the viewer's eyes. Additionally, not only does it attract audiences that are older, it especially attracts the younger generation as well because the logo is a picture of something that is friendly and everyone knows of. Since the logo is for a juice store and the name is Poisoncat, I think the idea of emulating the cat's body into a beaker is very effective for their company. 

2) This logo caught my eye too because it is very simplistic but definitely expresses what the company is for. The logo is called MoBook and next to the text, it's an image of a book but instead of a book cover, it has a phone on top instead. Even without knowing the purpose of this company, just by looking at the design, it was easy to tell that it was something along the lines of electronic reading. 

3) This was also an eye-catching design because the image is of a bike with wings. I really liked how they incorporated a bike with wings because the logo name is FlyCycle and the image goes really well with the purpose of the logo. 

4) I really like how in the word Cow of the logo the company Branding Cow, it's a picture of a cow. I think it's really expressive of the company itself. 

5) The image of the key really caught my attention because it is very simplistic but definitely gets the point across of what the company represents.