Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Portrait Transformation Project Reflection


Project Concept: For my project, I decided to take a picture of my friend's shoes and her hand so it looked like she was holding something. Then, I wanted to find a picture of a drawing of buildings that looked like it was from the top view and looking down into the buildings

Title: To Jump or Not to Jump

Personally, I feel as if I have a mutual feeling towards this final project. I like the idea and concept of this project but I think I could have done a better job executing this and fixing it up. I think I should have spent more time playing with the brightness and contrast as well as blending the pictures better.

Step by Step:

1. I opened my first picture which was my friend's hand and used the magnetic tool so I can remove it from the background of the original photograph.

2. Next, I opened the picture of the background so it is just the background and the view of my friend's legs.

3. After that, I copied the cut out of my friend's hand and pasted it onto the picture with the background and her legs.

4. I then used the magnetic hand once again to remove the right shoe from her foot and copied it.

5. Next, I opened the drawing onto a blank tab and copied it back onto the original picture with the background.

6. Since the picture was from google, it had an area of text on the drawing so I used the smudge tool to blur out the text.

7. Afterwards, I copied the picture of the drawing and pasted it onto the original photo and moved it to the center of the document.

8. Finally, I continued moving the pictures around and ended up deciding to place the hand on the corner and moved her right feet onto one of the buildings / skyscrapers so it looked like she was holding the drawing of the buildings as well as stepping on one of them and looking down.